- Andreas Shimokawa @ashimokawa
- @cheesycheesecake
- Marc Nause @marc.nause
- Otto @fnetX
- vanous @vanous
- @TaaviE
- @Duke64
- @CodingCoderGirl
- @matti
- @AndyRTR
- @frainz
- Jens Grassel @jan0sch
- @Kalle
- Henning Jacobs @hjacobs
- @AndrewP
- @hrodnand
- @hw
- @F_Thoma
- @kollo
- Jean-Luc Tibaux @eUgEntOptIc44
- @TPS
- @jannis
- Herbert Thielen @hethi
- @pix0wl
- @McPan
- @privacy1st
- @7lima
- @fe60
- TWFG CI/CD bot @twfgcicdbot
- @nurich
- Michael @quelbs
- @citizenserious
- @pixelcode
- @jmcal
- @perivesta
- @BluePixel4k
- @umbm
- Kaan B. Y. @6b6279
- @OneiricBotcelot
- @thebigalwisi
- Michael Paepcke @paepcke
- @berteh
- @jornfranke
- @Micha_Btz
- @costamcostam
- Detlef Steuer @dsteuer
- pp7En @pp7En
- Sebastian Viebach @svi
- @ascend
- @LjL
- Steffen @steffen-4s1
- @harald
- Petr Kadlec @Mormegil
- @Airradda
- Martin Braun @martin-braun
- George Pchelkin @gpchelkin
- Nona @nona
- @skdubg
- @MaxK
- @cgenie
- @andreasbrett
- @materialred
- @Nucleus
- @Termimad
- @rnd-de
- @mkroehnert
- Andromxda @andromxda
- @mttmartin
- @joel
- Jean-Luc Tibaux @eUgEntOptIc44
- Petra Mirelli @iNtEgraIR2021
- Jean-Luc Tibaux @eUgEntOptIc44
- Petra Mirelli @iNtEgraIR2021
- TWFG CI/CD bot @twfgcicdbot
- TFWG CI/CD bot @twfgcicdbot
- Jean-Luc Tibaux @eugenoptic44
- Lunny Xiao @lunny
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- The TinyWeatherForecastGermany icon was created by Janis Bitta
- The Codeberg icon licensed under CC0 1.0 was created by @mray
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